Build Information: wireshark 0.99.7
Copyright 1998-2007 Gerald Combs <> and contributors. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Compiled with GTK+ 2.12.1, with GLib 2.14.3, with libpcap 0.9.8, with libz 1.2.3, with libpcre 7.4, without SMI, without ADNS, without Lua, with GnuTLS 1.4.4, with Gcrypt 1.2.4, with MIT Kerberos, without PortAudio, without AirPcap.
Running on Linux 2.6.23-gentoo-r3, with libpcap version 0.9.8.
Built using gcc 4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2).
DHCPv6 dissector is pretty old, i.e., it needs some updates (provided in the patch).
For instance, RFC 5007 (leasequery) is not taken into account...
added enhancement uigtk version0.x labels
Created attachment 1308 Patch
diff -u between original (packet-dhcpv6.c.dist) and improved version of wireshark-0.99.7/epan/dissectors/packet-dhcpv6.c
Committed revision 23950.