Build Information:
Version 1.10.2 (SVN Rev 51934 from /trunk-1.10)
Copyright 1998-2013 Gerald Combs <> and contributors.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Compiled (64-bit) with GTK+ 2.24.14, with Cairo 1.10.2, with Pango 1.30.1, with
GLib 2.34.1, with WinPcap (4_1_3), with libz 1.2.5, without POSIX capabilities,
without libnl, with SMI 0.4.8, with c-ares 1.9.1, with Lua 5.1, without Python,
with GnuTLS 2.12.18, with Gcrypt 1.4.6, without Kerberos, with GeoIP, with
PortAudio V19-devel (built Sep 10 2013), with AirPcap.
Running on 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, build 7601, with WinPcap version
4.1.3 (packet.dll version, based on libpcap version 1.0 branch
1_0_rel0b (20091008), GnuTLS 2.12.18, Gcrypt 1.4.6, without AirPcap.
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 0 @ 3.20GHz, with 16307MB of physical
Built using Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 build 40219
Wireshark is Open Source Software released under the GNU General Public License.
After try with last git branch (it is recommended.. ) and enable SSL debug[...]dissect_ssl enter frame #35 (first time)packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE conversation = 0x1201bd8e0, ssl_session = 0x1201bdcf0 record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 3216dissect_ssl3_record found version 0x0301(TLS 1.0) -> state 0x11dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22 HandshakeCalculating hash with offset 5 49decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 49, ssl state 0x11packet_from_server: is from server - TRUEdecrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoderdecrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder availabledissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 2 offset 5 length 45 bytes, remaining 54ssl_dissect_hnd_hello_common found SERVER RANDOM -> state 0x13ssl_dissect_hnd_srv_hello found CIPHER 0x0039 -> state 0x17[...]Wireshark can't decrypt because SSL handshake use DH ( )Peter, you confirm ?
This capture is indeed using a DHE cipher suite which cannot be decrypted using a RSA key (a RSA key is only used to sign the DH parameters, the actual key is never visible due to how Diffie-Hellman works).Frame 35: 284 bytes on wire (2272 bits), 284 bytes captured (2272 bits) on interface 0[..]Radius Protocol Code: Access-Challenge (11)[..] Secure Sockets Layer TLSv1 Record Layer: Handshake Protocol: Server Hello Content Type: Handshake (22) Version: TLS 1.0 (0x0301) Length: 49 Handshake Protocol: Server Hello[..] Cipher Suite: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0x0039)