After filtering the incoming packets by a specific port and running with default parameters, the Wireshark is crash after awhile.
Please advise.
I've noticed that the capture file in the temp folder is still being captured while only the Wireshark GUI have crushed.
I had to press the "close program" button to stop the capturing and enabling the file to be sent.
The Wireshark is crashed even without filtering, I just tested this issue. The difference between filtered and without-filter is the time of crash since the running the application.
I also currently check with filtering on Win7 OS, I will update when I'll have answer.
If it's not the dissection, not the filtering engine, and not a memory issue, then I'm not sure what else to try to figure out what's causing the crash.
Is there any way for you to run Wireshark in a debugger and get a stack trace when it crashes?
If it's not the dissection, not the filtering engine, and not a memory issue, then I'm not sure what else to try to figure out what's causing the crash.
Is there any way for you to run Wireshark in a debugger and get a stack trace when it crashes?
If it's not the dissection, not the filtering engine, and not a memory issue, then I'm not sure what else to try to figure out what's causing the crash.
Is there any way for you to run Wireshark in a debugger and get a stack trace when it crashes?
If it's not the dissection, not the filtering engine, and not a memory issue, then I'm not sure what else to try to figure out what's causing the crash.
Is there any way for you to run Wireshark in a debugger and get a stack trace when it crashes?
May be OS specfic ? ( Windows Server 2008 R2...)
Probably relevant OS specific Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit
If it's not the dissection, not the filtering engine, and not a memory issue, then I'm not sure what else to try to figure out what's causing the crash.
Is there any way for you to run Wireshark in a debugger and get a stack trace when it crashes?
May be OS specfic ? ( Windows Server 2008 R2...)
Probably relevant OS specific Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit
Which version number is stable and good for the Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit ?
I added a file that makes Wireshark crash on 2 different systems:
If you open the file and filter by VoIP Calls Wireshark crashes while applying the filter.
PC with Windows 8 Pro 64 bits
Intel Core i3
Wireshark 1.8.6 (rev 48142)
Server Windows 2008 R2 64 bits
Xeon E5
Wireshark 1.10.0 (rev 49790)
This problem (attachment 11227) is, as Alexis suggested, a dup of bug #8736 (closed). It will be fixed in 1.10.1. If you need an immediate fix, please download a buildbot build:
NOTE: it looks like this bug report is now tracking a couple different crash reports. I'd consider vachev's problem closed, leaving eyalsavion's problem.
I dislike closing the bug like this, but without some further way to reproduce the issue there isn't anything else we can do. It may be worth trying version 1.10.2 (which has many fixes from 1.10.0), but it would just be luck if the issue got fixed somewhere else.