When I try to apply a filter to the Nature of Address from callingPartyNumber, the filter is not correctly applied since it also filters the Nature of Address from the originalCalledPartyID.From what I could figure out this happens because both fields use the same dissector "isup.calling_party_nature_of_address_indicator".This also applies to all the other number properties.Shouldn't this fields have different dissectors to be possible to apply a filter to them? Shouldn't this dissectors be part of camel instead of isup?Please find in attach the *.pcap file and 2 screen shots.Thanks
Well the rationale for the decoding is that all (most?) Camel "numbers are defined as something like:CallingPartyNumber {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE( bound.&minCallingPartyNumberLength .. bound.&maxCallingPartyNumberLength))-- Indicates the Calling Party Number. Refer to ETSI EN 300 356 1 [23] for encoding.From a programing point of view it then becomes efficent to call the samedissection routine for all numbers with the same encoding like in this casedissect_isup_calling_party_number_parameter().Would a filter like (camel.callingPartyNumber) && (isup.calling_party_nature_of_address_indicator == 4) serve the same purpose?I'm not convinsed that it's worth the effort to have different filters for allthe different numbers.
(In reply to comment #1) > Well the rationale for the decoding is that all (most?) Camel "numbers are > defined as something like: > CallingPartyNumber {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE( > bound.&minCallingPartyNumberLength .. bound.&maxCallingPartyNumberLength)) > -- Indicates the Calling Party Number. Refer to ETSI EN 300 356 1 [23] for > encoding. > > From a programing point of view it then becomes efficent to call the same > dissection routine for all numbers with the same encoding like in this case > dissect_isup_calling_party_number_parameter(). > > Would a filter like (camel.callingPartyNumber) && > (isup.calling_party_nature_of_address_indicator == 4) serve the same purpose? > > I'm not convinsed that it's worth the effort to have different filters for > all > the different numbers. Hi,Thanks for your comment.If we could use different filters to select what we want than it would be great.The problem now is that until now I was not able to create a filter that gets mt only the callingPartyNumbers that Nature of address are National (3).I followed your suggestion and applied the filter "(camel.callingPartyNumber) &&(isup.calling_party_nature_of_address_indicator == 3)", the only change was 3-National instead of 4-International.In attach there is a new .pcap file with 2 frames, one has the CallingPartyNumber in national and the other international. If you apply the above filter both frames. The one that is international appears because it also has the originalCalledPartyID as national.So that filter is not working.Another question, we are talking about Calling and Called Numbers that are mapped in the same isup Calling structure, is this correct?Many thanks.