config.nmake(1095) : fatal error U1050: MSVC_VARIANT unknownwhen building with MSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2012EE there is no IF statement to set MSVCR_DLLadding the following code to "config.nmake" around line: 1090 solves it!ELSEIF "$(MSVC_VARIANT)" == "MSVC2012EE"MSVCR_DLL=$(PROGRAM_FILES)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\redist\$(TARGET_MACHINE)\Microsoft.VC110.CRT\*.*
For the 2008 and 2010 Express Editions, we were not allowed to take the DLLs from the MSVC install directory. Instead we needed to use the vc_redist.exe installer provided by Microsoft (as we do for x64 builds). Have things changed for MSVC2012EE?
(In reply to comment #2)
> For the 2008 and 2010 Express Editions, we were not allowed to take the DLLs
> from the MSVC install directory. Instead we needed to use the vc_redist.exe
> installer provided by Microsoft (as we do for x64 builds). Have things
> changed for MSVC2012EE?
(In reply to comment #3)
> (In reply to comment #2)
> > For the 2008 and 2010 Express Editions, we were not allowed to take the DLLs
> > from the MSVC install directory. Instead we needed to use the vc_redist.exe
> > installer provided by Microsoft (as we do for x64 builds). Have things
> > changed for MSVC2012EE?
> No, I don't think anything has changed here. See
According to what I can read in the paragraph named "Distributable Code for Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop Visual C++ Runtime files", it seems to be allowed now.
(In reply to comment #4) > According to what I can read in the paragraph named "Distributable Code for > Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop Visual C++ Runtime files", it > seems to be allowed now. Under the section, "Redist list for Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate, Premium and Professional editions", it states in relevant part: Subject to the license terms for the software, you may redistribute the .EXE files (unmodified) listed below. These files can be run as prerequisites during installation. vcredist_x86.exe vcredist_x64.exe vcredist_arm.exeI didn't see those .EXE files listed under the section for VS 2012EE, so I took that to mean that we couldn't redistribute them, but I could be wrong, especially since I don't have MSVC2012EE installed and can't verify what the redist.txt file actually states. For reference, I'll attach the redist.txt file from VS2010EE though.
(In reply to comment #5) > I didn't see those .EXE files listed under the section for VS 2012EE, so I > took that to mean that we couldn't redistribute them, but I could be wrong, > especially since I don't have MSVC2012EE installed and can't verify what the > redist.txt file actually states. For reference, I'll attach the redist.txt > file from VS2010EE though. What I mean is that redistributing the C++ runtime files stored in VC\redist\(x86|x64)\Microsoft.VC110.CRT\ (what is done by Ander's patch) seems allowed when using Express edition. I was not referring to the redist installer.